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Image by Sahil Patel


  • S.4.1 Collaborative Practice - Candidates collaborate with their peers and subject matter experts to analyze learners, develop and design instruction, and evaluate its impact on learners.


  • S.4.2 Leadership - Candidates lead their peers in designing and implementing technology-supported learning.


  • S.4.3 Reflection on Practice - Candidates analyze and interpret data and artifacts and reflect on the effectiveness of the design, development and implementation of technology-supported instruction and learning to enhance their professional growth.


  • S.4.4 Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates design and implement assessment and evaluation plans that align with learning goals and instructional activities.


  • S.4.5 Ethics - Candidates demonstrate ethical behavior within the applicable cultural context during all aspects of their work and with respect for the diversity of learners in each setting.



Moon Project Design Proof

EME 6208: Development of Technology Based Instruction
Fall 2022

For this class project I had to collaborate with a group of 3 other classmates to design and develop a game to accompany the Science Inquiry Lesson: Phases of the Moon. This artifact is the Design Proof of our game after meeting with the Subject Matter Expert (SME). 


For our game we chose to focus on teaching and assessing 3  objectives:  


  • Understanding how the Moon, Earth, and Sun interact to create the Moon Phases. 

  • Identifying and Naming the 8 Phases of the Moon

  • Understanding and Demonstrating how the Moon Phases change over time (The Lunar Calendar).


For this project we used Articulate Storyline to create the lesson. We each worked collaboratively within our group and with a SME to develop the game through an iterative process. 


After meeting with the SME we worked collaborateively to re-design our game based on the given feedback.


For this project I helped program the Storyline slides, created the master Storyboard template and game design, narrated the Alien character, and added the sound effects and music. I also lead our team through the SME review of our project. 


This artifact demonstrates my ability to collaborate with peers and subject matter experts to analize learners, develop and design instruction, and evaluate its impacts on learners. 




Motivational Regulation Strategies Reflection 

EME 6419: Motivational Design
Summer 2022

This artifact is a reflection paper I submitted based on the 8 Motivational Regulation Strtegies we learned in class. 


  • Enhancement of Situational Interstitle

  • Enhancement of Personal Significance

  • Mastery Self-Talk

  • Performance-Approach to Self talk Strategy

  • Perfomance Avoidance Self-Talk

  • Environmental Control

  • Self-Consequating

  • Proximal Goal Setting


This was a two part reflection. For the first section of the paper I had to write about my own learning experinces focusing on the motivational regulation strategies. For the second part of the paper I had to reflect on the motivational regulation strategies I implemented as a teacher and how they supported my students' motivation.



This reflection paper demonstrates my ability to analyze and interpret data to reflect on the effectiveness of the design, development, and implementation of my lessons.




One-on-One Student Evaluation Plan

For this assignment my group had to develop and implement a One-on-One evaluation plan to assess the effectiveness of our Phases of the Moon Game. (Located in Artifact S.4.1). 


Our evaluation plan is comprised of 3 components: â€‹


  • Focus of Evaluation- usability, appropriateness, interests, perceived effectiveness of design strategies, and evidence of learning. 

  • Participants- describe where and with whom we will conduct one-on-one evaluation with 2-5 students. 

  • Method of Evaluation- Observation protocal


Our One-on-One Evaluation assessment also utilized an interview/survey method to conduct Level 1 and Level 2 evidence based on the Kirkpatrick Model of Evaluation.


Once the evaluation plan was completed, we used it to survey 5 students. Then we used the feedback to develop our final game design (Located in artificact S.4.1).


This evaluation form demonstrates my ability to design and implement assessment and evaluation plans that align with learning goals and isntructional activities. 


EME 6208: Development of Technology Based Instruction
Fall 2022

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